About the course

The undergraduate course in Economics at FGV EESP offers the student solid and plural training, with a strong quantitative emphasis. Through four areas of concentration: Financial Engineering, Applied Microeconomics, Applied Macroeconomics and Political Economy, students have the opportunity to obtain a complete education, which encompasses the various theoretical currents of economic science.

Its innovative methodology develops essential skills for the job market, meeting the demands of students interested in economics and related careers. In addition, it has a highly qualified faculty, made up of renowned researchers and professionals with experience in the financial market, government and prominent organizations. 

Enrollment for the course selection process can be done separately in the different admission modalities: FGV Entrance Exam, ENEM and International.


Full Time

Monthly payment

BRL 9.281,00 (Full time)
*refers to the value of 2025.1


Rua Itapeva, 474
São Paulo, SP

Candidate-to-vacancy ratio

17,2 (2023.1)


(11) 3799-3370



DATA: 14/11/2024 e 15/11/2024

LOCAL: Clique no link abaixo para verificar Informações e Endereços do Processo Seletivo 2025.1 


Clique no link abaixo para verificar o Resultado do Processo Seletivo 2025.1

Why choose the Economics course?

Recognized by MEC, FGV's Economics course stands out as one of the best in Brazil. It is based on four essential pillars for the training of economists:

  1. Solid mathematics background: provides the necessary theoretical basis for understanding economic models.
  2. Development of logical and abstract reasoning: improves analytical and critical capacity and the ability to acquire and generate new knowledge.
  3. Broad cultural and historical background: enables the understanding of economic issues within their historical and social context. 
  4. Practical experience: through experimentation, research, debates, exercises, games, labs, projects and internships, students develop the ability to make decisions and solve problems in a diverse and constantly changing environment. 

The dynamic structure of the course provides, therefore, the formation of professionals prepared to work in the best positions in private and public institutions, both nationally and internationally.

Fachada da escola



The São Paulo School of Economics of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV EESP) is a center of excellence in the generation and transmission of economic knowledge. Its objective is to develop an environment for learning and public debate guided by the national interest, contributing to the formation of an intellectual and leading elite in the country.

An organization guided by ethics and social responsibility, FGV EESP proposes to influence the elaboration of the national agenda, having as a perspective sustained economic development with equity.


Maximum score in the General Index of Courses (IGC) of the Ministry of Education (MEC). 


First place in São Paulo by the ENADE exam. 


First place in Research in Economics in Brazil in the last 10 years.


Studying Economics at FGV provides students with a wide range of opportunities at a renowned institution in Brazil and around the world. 

Aluna conversando sorridente na sala de aula

Teaching Methodology

All mandatory disciplines of the course are taught using the PBL (Problem/Project Based Learning) method, with classes of a maximum of 15 students. PBL integrates knowing and doing: students build knowledge and skills while solving problems. 

Thus, a modern, dynamic learning environment is created, aimed at training skills valued in the job market. 

Teaching Methodology

Focus on Desired Career

Undergraduate students of the Economics course at EESP can choose between four areas of concentration according to their career plans: Financial Engineering, Applied Microeconomics, Applied Macroeconomics and Political Economy.

It is also possible to obtain a double certification, as long as the student completes the mandatory subjects of both chosen tracks.


EESP is a partner of several institutions of excellence in the teaching of Economics. From the 7th semester, students can do exchange programs at universities in the USA, Canada, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, England, Norway, France, Holland, Portugal, Australia, New Zealand and Chile. 

Pedagogical and Emotional Support

A multidisciplinary team prepared to assist students during their stay at the School with exclusive units for EESP: the Pedagogical Support Center (NAP) and POPE (Professional and Emotional Guidance Program).



Working with Economics does not limit your professional horizon: the career is a true bridge between the Mathematical and the Human Sciences, preparing you for a wide range of professional activities.

That's why FGV wants to help you learn a little more about your future career!

Evaluates microeconomic and macroeconomic, political and social frameworks and scenarios that affect the life and decisions of any type of organization:

  •  Public companies 

  •  Private Corporations 

  •  Audit and Consulting Companies 

  •  Economic and Political Consulting 


It analyzes and evaluates public policies in areas such as health, education, public safety, combating poverty and the environment at the national and international levels. You can work for governments or international institutions and also companies: 

  • Global Audit and Consulting Firms 

  •  World Bank, UN, IMF 

  •  Governments and Research Institutions 

It analyzes sectors of the economy to provide information that will guide the decisions of companies and investors. It also works with lawyers in the area of regulatory law, regulation and competition: 

  • Public companies 

  •  Economic and Political Consultings 

  • Investment Banks

  • Government, CADE, Secretariat of Economic Law

It works with the financial management of organizations from different sectors: 

  •  Private or Public Corporations 

  •  Commercial and Investment Banks

  •  Corporations of the Services and Agroindustry Sectors

  •  Financial and Accounting Audit Consulting

  •  Strategy Consulting

  •  Insurance company

  • Financial Consulting 

Works with analyzis on international trade, international finance, macroeconomic and strategic scenarios:

  •  Private and State Corporations 

  •   Commercial and Investment Banks

  •   Government, Ministry of Finance

  •   World Bank, IMF

  •  Investment Banks

It prepares and analyzes the economic viability of investment projects in any sector of the economy, considering the environmental impacts. Given the environmental legislation, one must calculate both the private return, the private cost, as well as the social cost of projects:

  • Private and State Corporations 

  •   Governments, Research Institutions and NGOs

  • International Development Institutions 

  •  Consultancies and Energy Companies

Evaluates microeconomic and macroeconomic, political and social frameworks and scenarios that affect the life and decisions of any type of organization:

  • Public companies

  •  Private Corporations

  •  Audit and Consulting Companies 

  •  Economic and Political Consulting


The Undergraduate Program in Economics at FGV offers scholarships to students who have passed the Selection Process in different categories. In all, there are 19 vacancies between FGV Entrance Exam (15 vacancies), ENEM (2 vacancies) and Olympics Knowledge (2 vacancies). 

Check the number of grants distributed by the processes:

For entrance exams

  • 15 merit scholarships, of 100% of the monthly fee, for the top 3 in the exam; 80% from 4th to 6th place; 60% from 7th to 10th place; and 40% from 11th to 15th place.

For entrants via ENEM

  • 2 merit scholarships, of 100% of the monthly fee, for the first and second placed in the exam, provided that they have had a final average of the grades of the objective tests and the essay equal to or greater than 800 points.

For entrants via Olympic Knowledge 

  • 2 merit scholarships, of 100% of the tuition, for the first and second placed, provided they have a final score greater than or equal to 74 points.


IMPORTANT:  Merit scholarships are personal and non-transferable. In case of non-completion or withdrawal of enrollment of the candidate or re-enrollment of the student awarded the scholarship, the scholarship will not be transferred to another candidate or student.

For more details, read the Announcement.


Know more


Have you checked out our blog yet? There, you will find the best tips for careers, study, entrepreneurship and much more!


Do you know the free FGV courses?
With them, you will be able to master even more the themes of the Entrance test questions.


The FGV Experience is a free meeting and allows students to get to know our courses and facilities.

Grupo de alunos sorridentes caminhando pelo campus da FGV.


Participate and get your questions answered about the courses, forms of admission, scholarships and exchange ideas with professors about the benefits of studying at FGV.

Lectures and Thematic Classes!

Choose one of the available options and have the experience of BEING AN FGV MEMBER!

FGV Day is a free meeting at which students can ask questions about our courses and university entrance exam, as well as talk to professors about the benefits of doing an undergraduate degree at FGV. The event is also open to parents, professors and companions who would like to find out more about FGV.


Schedule your visit

You are invited to visit the FGV EESP campus and learn more about the Economics course and the institution as a whole. Discover the qualities that make our course an excellent choice!

With an innovative methodology, we integrate theory and practice for dynamic learning. We have qualified faculty and international partnerships for academic exchange opportunities. Schedule your visit and find out how FGV EESP can boost your career in Economics.

Fachada da escola