FGV offers specific types of scholarships to suit the needs of its students. Learn more about the FGV scholarship policy for courses in Rio de Janeiro, Brasília and São Paulo:

Talent Selection Scholarship Program

The Talent Selection program offers scholarships to students from public schools across the country for some of FGV's undergraduate courses in Rio de Janeiro. Students with excellent school performance throughout the country are identified through the Brazilian Public School Mathematics Olympiad.

Returnable Scholarship

Granted in the form of school funding to undergraduate students who demonstrate good academic performance and/or economic and financial need. The financial resources of the Returnable Scholarship come from the FGV Scholarship Fund. The percentage to be awarded to each student is defined by the FGV Scholarship Commission based on the documentation presented by the applicant student.

Social Demand Scholarship

Granted according to the financial and social need of the applicant, renewable every six months, if requested, according to criteria stipulated by each course. It is necessary to send documents to prove the social demand.

Merit Scholarship

Granted to successful candidates in FGV's selection processes. Merit scholarships are personal and non-transferable and their maintenance will depend on the student's academic performance and compliance with the criteria established by each course.


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