About the course
The degree in Public Administration is ideal for those who have an interest in the areas of management and public policy.
The course aims to offer a broad, in-depth training in the area of social sciences, and allows the development of skills such as negotiation and decision-making.
Training in Public Administration allows building a solid career capable of bringing significant change in Brazilian society.
Enrollment for the course selection process can be done separately in the different admission modalities: FGV Entrance Exam, ENEM and International.
Full Time (Portuguese or English):
From the 1st to the 5th semester, from Monday to Friday, from 7 am to 7 pm, and part time from the 6th to the 8th.
Monthly payment
BRL 6.800,00 (Full time)
*refers to the value of 2025.1
Avenida 9 de Julho, 2029
Bela Vista, São Paulo, SP
Candidate-to-vacancy ratio
2,8 (2023.1)
DATA: 14/11/2024
LOCAL: Clique no link abaixo para verificar Informações e Endereços do Processo Seletivo 2025.1
Clique no link abaixo para verificar o Resultado do Processo Seletivo 2025.1
Why choose the public administration course?
The course of Public Administration offers resources and tools that enable the student's growth, preparing him to act as an agent of social transformation.
For those who wish to make the world fairer through management and public policies, the Public Administration course is an instrument that aims to develop a broad vision of the area of social sciences.
Graduates are preparing to assume a leading position in areas of the public sector such as government, NGOs, consultancies, international organizations, business foundations and research.
The course curriculum expands on articulation, negotiation and decision-making skills, as well as providing a solid ability to address international issues.
Work in the area of public policy is not restricted to government organizations and covers sectors such as: education, health, culture, sport, sustainability, social entrepreneurship, consultancy for public sectors, government coordination, corporate social responsibility and provision of public services.
The public administrator has varied opportunities, starting with public careers in the State, with increasing potential for remuneration. There is also a wide range of options as managers and leaders of Third Sector Organizations (NGOs).
The Public Administration professional is also qualified to work with public policies and Business Foundations, in addition to providing consultancy to national and international public departments.

In addition to the Entrance Exam result, FGV also uses the ENEM scores, provided by the National Institute for Educational Research of the Ministry of Education (INEP/MEC), to classify students.
Foreign Candidates
The specific selection process for foreign candidates includes an analysis of documents and an online interview. To participate, you must have foreign nationality or be Brazilian with dual nationality, have attended the last four curricular years of required education in educational institutions located outside Brazil and not have a university degree.
With more than 110 internationally renowned foreign institutions as partners, FGV is the most internationalized business school in Latin America, and has a tradition in the exchange area.
Our exclusive area (Office for Global Affairs) facilitates various international activities, including the regular student exchange program and international vacation programs (July/January), as well as international seminars.
Triple International Accreditation
First in Brazil and one of the few business schools in the world to have triple international accreditation: Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), European Quality Improvement System (EFMD) and Association of MBAs (Amba).
Maximum score in the last evaluation of the National Student Performance Examination.
Maximum score in the last evaluation of the General Index of Courses (IGC) of the Ministry of Education (MEC).
Studying at EAESP provides students with a wide range of opportunities at a renowned institution in Brazil and around the world.
From the 5th semester, the student can apply to simultaneously attend a second course at FGV: Law or Economics. The monthly fee applies to only one course.
The São Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP), the São Paulo School of Economics (FGV EESP) and the São Paulo School of Law (FGV Direito SP) offer their students the possibility of a double degree, without need to carry out a new entrance exam.
With this advantage, students approved in our internal selection process can graduate in two of the three courses offered by FGV (Administration and Economics or Administration and Law or Economics and Law) in a shorter period than if they took both courses successively.
The proximity of the Schools' curricula, which were concerned with ensuring some common disciplinary content, allows for a valuable dialogue to take place between these three areas of knowledge.
The student, even enrolled in two degrees, bears the cost of only one monthly fee.
It has an area responsible for guiding students and former students of the school on topics related to their educational and professional development. It operates through the dissemination of vacancies, promotion of events and guidance.
Participation in initiatives aimed at developing students beyond the classroom. These are extracurricular activities considered opportunities for personal and professional improvement in projects for professionals at the beginning of their careers.
Continuously updated content, worked through innovative methodologies and in tune with international experiences. It has a faculty composed of qualified Brazilians and foreigners from the best schools in the world.
20 study centers that produce hundreds of intellectual productions per year, in 10 lines of research, allowing the connection of applied research with practice, as a source of knowledge.
Undergraduate students in Public Administration have the opportunity to participate in an exchange program at more than 110 partner universities around the world.
The course is focused on professional experience and practice, especially in the international dimension.
There are a number of immersion activities in various organizations, as well as field work and visits to federal governments and other countries.
Students must do a supervised internship in countries on the South-South axis, including Latin America, Portuguese-speaking African nations, China and India.
In these internships, they work in NGOs, governments, international organizations and/or study centers. Getting to know new geopolitical realities is essential for the education of students in the Public Administration course.
We know that choosing a profession is probably one of the first big decisions you will make in your life. That's why FGV wants to help you learn a little more about your future career.
Pursuing a Business career as an administrator will allow you to work in a variety of professional spaces, both in the public and private sectors.
First, public careers in the State, at all levels of government, with increasing earnings potential. There are also great opportunities to act as Managers and Leaders of NGOs.
In addition, the FGV EAESP course qualifies the professional to work with public policies and Business Foundations in the field of social responsibility, in governmental articulation, in public concessions, in addition to providing consultancy to public bodies - national and international.
Work with public policies is not restricted to government organizations, often serving to generate value for society - which can be translated by the provision of services in areas such as education, health, culture, sports, NGOs, international organizations, environment/sustainability, business foundations, social entrepreneurship, consultancy for public departments, public concessionaires, government articulation and corporate social responsibility, academic training and research in the area of Public Policies, among others.
There is also the possibility of working in governmental and non-governmental organizations that work with issues of public interest, also having as a priority the good management of their internal procedures.
- Human Resources
Processes and Operations
Institutional Articulation
Strategic planning
The Undergraduate Business Administration course at FGV EAESP offers scholarships to students who have passed the Selection Process in the following ways:
Non-refundable scholarships:
- Merit Scholarships
i. 1st place in the Selection Process Examination: Entrance Exam – 100%
ii. 1st place in the Selection Process Exam: ENEM – 100%
- Scholarships for students with economic difficulties:
In all, up to 5 full non-refundable scholarships (100%) will be awarded to students approved in the Entrance Exam and ENEM modalities, considering, respectively, the socioeconomic status of the candidate as well as their classification.
Reimbursable Scholarships – Financing:
- Reimbursable Scholarships – Financing:
- School Supply Aid
- Food Aid
- Housing Aid
- Transport Aid
For more details on the scholarships offered for each course, read the Announcement.
know more

For you to develop an innovative business model, the broader your repertoire the better. The influence of FGV EAESP on my career and my way of thinking was tremendous.
The FGV Experience is a free meeting and allows students to get to know our courses and facilities.

Participate and get your questions answered about the courses, forms of admission, scholarships and exchange ideas with professors about the benefits of studying at FGV.
Lectures and Thematic Classes!
Choose one of the available options and have the experience of BEING AN FGV MEMBER!
FGV Day is a free meeting at which students can ask questions about our courses and university entrance exam, as well as talk to professors about the benefits of doing an undergraduate degree at FGV. The event is also open to parents, professors and companions who would like to find out more about FGV.
Interested in studying Business Administration? Schedule your visit to the FGV EAESP campus and discover all the perks of studying at one of the best business schools in the world.
Located at a strategic point in the city of São Paulo, our institution offers a modern and inspiring infrastructure, in addition to having a renowned and experienced faculty, composed of Brazilian and foreign teachers qualified in the best schools in the world.