About the Course
The FGV Law degree is committed to training legal leaders capable of working to strengthen democracy and the development of Brazil.
The student's training is divided into two stages.
In the first five terms, graduates take full-time mandatory courses required by the Ministry of Education (MEC) and recommended by the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB).
As of the sixth term, the specialization cycle begins. At this stage, the student is free to organize his own curriculum with elective subjects, balancing a part-time course and an external internship.
Enrollment for the course selection process can be done separately in the different admission modalities: FGV Entrance Exam, ENEM and International.
Full time
Monthly payment
BRL 6.514,60
*refers to the value of 2025.1
Praia de Botafogo, 190
Candidate-to-vacancy ratio
10 (2023.1)
(21) 3799-5411
DATA: 14/11/2024
LOCAL: Clique no link abaixo para verificar Informações e Endereços do Processo Seletivo 2025.1
Clique no link abaixo para verificar o Resultado do Processo Seletivo 2025.1
Created in 2002, the Rio de Janeiro Law School (FGV Direito Rio) was born with the challenge of transforming the teaching, production and application of Law in the country. Its main purpose is to contribute to the formation of leaders to think about Brazil in the long term and, therefore, it has a constant commitment to innovation.
A reference in teaching and research in Law, the School aims at the academic and executive training of professionals for public and private careers.
It is also a pioneer in its field of activity, having created the first Master's and the first Doctorate in Regulatory Law in the country. The School operates on multiple fronts, such as undergraduate, graduate and Executive Education courses.

In addition to the Entrance Exam result, FGV classifies candidates based on the ENEM scores provided by the National Institute for Educational Research of the Ministry of Education (INEP/MEC).
International Exams
FGV also ranks candidates based on international exams such as the Abitur, BAC and IB.
Top score and 1st place among all law schools in the country in the National Student Performance Examination (Enade 2018).
1st overall in the country in the XXIX Exam of the OAB & Certified by the OAB Seal of Approval in all its editions.
- Maximum score in the last evaluation of the General Index of Courses (IGC) of the Ministry of Education (MEC).
- Maximum score in the evaluation of the Ministry of Education.
The student body from the 1st to the 5th term of the undergraduate course in Law at
FGV performs mandatory practical activities called Field Projects.
The objective is to articulate theory and practice. Legal challenges on various topics are
proposed and submitted to the application of conceptual models learned in class, in search of solutions and the development of products that impact the legal and social reality of the investigated person.
FGV Rio - Law School has exclusive covenants to introduce students to the legal practice and professional culture of large companies, law firms and public sectors. The program takes place in the academic recess months (January and July) and lasts four weeks.
The Academic Mentoring Program promotes affinity between students, or between
students and academics with greater experience or even with professionals who work
exclusively in the job market.
The individual construction of the dialogue and guidance relationship aims to exchange
experiences and joint planning of actions to promote career, academic and professional
advances, increase self-confidence and personal satisfaction of the mentored student.
The FGV Rio - Law School offers exchange programs for students and professors at
more than 60 renowned foreign universities, such as Harvard Law School, Yale Law
School, Columbia Law School, NYU School of Law, Sorbonne, Science Po Paris and
China University Political Science and Law.
It also receives foreign professors who teach courses in English and students from partner universities, who take courses together with our graduates.
Undergraduate Law students have access to exclusive agreements with public organizations, representative entities, and international institutions, providing them with the opportunity to intern at major companies and government agencies.
Furthermore, students also have the chance to participate in exchange programs with institutions such as Harvard, Yale, Columbia, NYU, Sorbonne, Coimbra, among others, in over 20 countries.
The job market is looking for professionals with interdisciplinary knowledge, and with
that in mind, FGV Rio - Law School has entered into partnerships with the Brazilian
School of Public and Business Administration (FGV EBAPE), the School of Applied
Mathematics (FGV EMAp) and the School of Social Sciences (FGV CPDOC) for dual
graduation, without the need to take a new entrance exam.
The great advantage is that students approved in the internal selection process will be
able to graduate in two courses (Law and Business, Law and Applied Mathematics, Law
and Data Sciences or Law and Social Sciences), in a shorter period of time than if they
did both successively.
Students who wish to acquire a set of knowledge and skills from other areas without,
however, graduating in two courses, can receive certificates of Complementary Training
in the areas of Data Sciences, Social Sciences, Economics, Applied Mathematics and
International Relations (similar to a Minor).
In this case, students must complete a minimum number of credits in disciplines offered
by other FGV schools.
Working with the Law does not mean having a contemplative stance on the set of laws that organize life in society, but using knowledge about them to contribute to the development of society.
That's why FGV wants to help you learn a little more about your future career.
Entrance Exam Merit Scholarship
Full discount (100%) on the monthly fee, granted to those approved from 1st to 10th
ENEM Merit Scholarship
Full discount (100%) on the monthly fee, granted to those approved from 1st to 5th place.
Returnable Scholarship
Benefit granted in the form of student financing of the full or partial amount of the monthly fee, upon analysis of the request submitted to the Scholarship Commission within the deadline established in the public notice.
Application Scholarship
Benefit granted in the form of a discount on the monthly fee, upon analysis of the
request submitted to the Scholarship Commission within the deadline established in the notice.
For more details on the scholarships offered for each course, read the Announcement.

I was attracted to FGV by accounts of its academic excellence, international profile and position in the market. I found an environment that lived up to all my expectations. Its quality has been continuously attested by national and international indexes and rankings. More importantly, it is an international institution, showing students that Brazilian education is on a par with the world’s leading universities, and equipping them with tools to fulfill the school’s ultimate and pioneering goal – to think seriously about Brazil.
The FGV Experience is a free meeting and allows students to get to know our courses and facilities.

Participate and get your questions answered about the courses, forms of admission, scholarships and exchange ideas with professors about the benefits of studying at FGV.
Lectures and Thematic Classes!
Choose one of the available options and have the experience of BEING AN FGV MEMBER!
FGV Day is a free meeting at which students can ask questions about our courses and university entrance exam, as well as talk to professors about the benefits of doing an undergraduate degree at FGV. The event is also open to parents, professors and companions who would like to find out more about FGV.
Are you interested in going to Law School? Schedule your visit to the FGV LAW RIO campus and discover all the advantages of studying at one of the best Law schools in the world.
Located in a strategic location in the city of Rio de Janeiro, our institution offers a modern and inspiring infrastructure, as well as a renowned and experienced faculty, consisting of qualified Brazilian and foreign professors from the best schools around the globe.