About the course
FGV's International Relations course is ideal for Brazilian students who want to build a global career. The program provides essential skills and competencies for working in international organizations, investment banking, NGOs, political risk consultancies, multinational corporations, media and communication, as well as in applied research.
During the course, students explore topics such as geopolitics, diplomacy, humanitarian crisis, global economics, international development cooperation, cross-cultural
negotiation, public policy analysis and Big Data.
Enrollment for the course selection process can be done separately in the different admission modalities: FGV Entrance Exam, ENEM and International.
Full Time
Monthly payment
BRL 6.400,63
*refers to the value of 2025.1
Avenida Paulista, 548
Bela Vista – São Paulo/SP
Candidate-to-vacancy ratio
9,5 (2022.1)
(11) 3799-2361 e (11) 3799-2360
DATA: 14/11/2024
LOCAL: Clique no link abaixo para verificar Informações e Endereços do Processo Seletivo 2025.1
Clique no link abaixo para verificar o Resultado do Processo Seletivo 2025.1
Why choose the International Relations course?
From the beginning of the course, students are prepared for a variety of global careers. They acquire a set of concepts, methods and techniques that allow them to advise, analyze the political and economic situation, manage projects, apply for funding, write opinion articles for major publications, deal with large databases, interpret statistics and develop negotiation strategies.
Upon completion of the course, graduates are qualified to perform these tasks proficiently in multicultural and multilingual environments. Our goal is to provide all graduates with the necessary tools to make the best professional choices and build their own productive and creative path.

In addition to the Entrance Exam result, FGV also uses the ENEM scores, provided by the National Institute for Educational Research of the Ministry of Education (INEP/MEC), to classify students.
International Selection Process
The FGV - IR offers an exclusive selection process for candidates who hold international certifications, such as the IB, ABITUR, BAC and SAT.
The International Relations course at FGV São Paulo offers students a wide range of opportunities at a renowned institution both in Brazil and internationally.
From the beginning of the course, students of the International Relations course at FGV São Paulo acquire knowledge in concepts, methods and techniques that enable them to provide advice, fulfill qualified analyzes of the political and economic conjuncture, manage projects, prepare financing requests, write opinion pieces for the press, dealing with large data sets, interpreting statistics and developing trading strategies.
The International Relations course at FGV São Paulo is designed to prepare students for successful global careers. The school has an extensive international network, providing exchange opportunities at top universities around the world. In addition, the school prepares students to apply for internships and graduate programs abroad.
The professors of the International Relations course at FGV São Paulo hold doctorates in renowned universities around the world. In addition to academic excellence, the faculty is distinguished by professional experience in international organizations, public policy formulation, private consulting and applied research to solve real-world problems.
A degree in International Relations opens doors for you to work in a comprehensive global professions. See some examples and learn a little more about your future career!
Project management and impact assessment in organs such as the UN General Secretariat, UNICEF, High Commissioner for Refugees, World Health Organization.
Project monitoring and data management in institutions such as the World Bank Group, International Monetary Fund, Inter-American Development Bank, World Trade Organization, The New Development Bank (BRICS).
Measurement and assessment of political risk for national and foreign private banks, BOVESPA and hedge funds in Brazil and abroad.
Analysis for political risk consultancies.
Identification of solutions for image crises, parliamentary advice and representation of interests of private companies in the public sector.
laboration of social campaigns, advocacy, promotion of corporate social responsibility initiatives.
Institutional relationships with multinational companies and start-ups with a global reach.
Business diplomacy, commercial promotion and foreign trade.
Assistance to negotiation teams in conflict environments.
Development of projects for organizations with a global reach: Greenpeace, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.
Projects for international philanthropic organizations: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation and Fulbright Foundation.
Raising funding and advocacy campaigns for organizations with a local reach that, as a small institutions, need to maximize and accurately measure their social impact.
Management, negotiation and interpretation of complex data in sectors such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Itamaraty), BNDES, Federal Police of Brazil, Petrobras, Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services.
International assistance to the Federal Senate (Brazil), the Chamber of Deputies and the country's higher courts.
International consultancy for municipal and state governments.
International coverage for the mainstream press (newspapers, blogs and television).
Communication consultancy for governments, international organizations or private companies.
Media training and global image management for individuals, brands or governments.
- Proceed to graduate programs at the best universities in the world, aiming at a career in research and/or teaching in International Relations.
The FGV School of International Relations offers three types of scholarships:
Merit Scholarships
Awarded for student academic performance. In the case of freshman students, the performance in the Entrance Exam is considered, according to the table below:
1st and 2nd PLACES - 100%
1st and 2nd PLACES - 100%
5th and 6th PLACES - 80%
7th and 8th PLACES - 70%
Refundable Scholarships – Financing
Destined at students with proven need, they consist of financing that covers between 20 and 100% of the course tuition. Reimbursement is mandatory and will be made upon completion of the course.
Non-refundable Scholarships
Scholarship for students with economic difficulties: students approved in the FGV Entrance Exam or ENEM modalities may apply for a non-refundable scholarship (20% to 100% of the monthly fee). For more details on the scholarships offered for each course, read the Announcement.
For more details on the scholarships offered for each course, read the Announcement.
Todos os anos, a Escola de Relações Internacionais da FGV recebe reconhecimentos acadêmicos da mídia nacional e internacional, que atestam seu compromisso com a excelência acadêmica, investimento em pesquisa e parcerias internacionais.
Confira alguns exemplos recentes:
Know more
I had great surprises and great satisfaction, especially with regard to the teachers, they
are very good. I feel very welcome, when the teachers are accessible, you feel more
comfortable asking questions and you also learn better.
I feel that it is a very collective construction, very joint, this relationship between the
students and the School itself. There is a lot of dialogue and participation and that is, for
me, the highlight.
The FGV Experience is a free meeting and allows students to get to know our courses and facilities.

Participate and get your questions answered about the courses, forms of admission, scholarships and exchange ideas with professors about the benefits of studying at FGV.
Lectures and Thematic Classes!
Choose one of the available options and have the experience of BEING AN FGV MEMBER!
FGV Day is a free meeting at which students can ask questions about our courses and university entrance exam, as well as talk to professors about the benefits of doing an undergraduate degree at FGV. The event is also open to parents, professors and companions who would like to find out more about FGV.
Schedule your visit
If you are interested in studying International Relations and want to get to know the FGV São Paulo campus, we invite you to schedule a visit!
You will have the opportunity to explore our modern facilities and gain an in-depth look at the academic environment of the course. Find out how FGV São Paulo can boost your career in International Relations!