The application period, whether for the FGV university entrance exam or National High School Exam (ENEM), takes place every semester for the courses run by the FGV Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP) and once a year for FGV’s other courses.

For some courses, the selection process is composed of two phases. The first phase has three ways of applying – university entrance exam, ENEM and international selection process – and the second phase involves an oral exam, held in small groups of students who debate a situation or problem proposed by the examiners.


First phase:

Exam consisting of written questions, encompassing Essay Writing, Portuguese, History, Geography, Logical-Mathematical Reasoning, English, Arts and Contemporary Issues.


Second phase (for some courses – see public notice):

Oral exam

Check the available places below.

Undergraduate Courses

Application Fee
Applied Mathematics
Total: 39
Taxa de inscrição
BRL 180.00
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Total: 50
Taxa de inscrição
BRL 180.00
Digital Communication
Total: 55
Taxa de inscrição
BRL 180.00
Total: 85
Taxa de inscrição
BRL 180.00
General Administration
Total: 62
Taxa de inscrição
BRL 180.00
Law School
Total: 90
Taxa de inscrição
BRL 180.00
Social Sciences
Total: 36
Taxa de inscrição
BRL 180.00
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