About the course

The undergraduation in General Administration at FGV EBAPE aims to train global leaders capable of making decisions with scientific and methodological rigor, working in the management of public and private organizations in a world without borders, increasingly marked by digital transformation 

The course is structured around three pillars: scientific rigor, internationalization and alignment with contemporary market practices. They are responsible for conceptualizing the degree in General Administration from FGV EBAPE as the best in Brazil, according to MEC's evaluation.

Enrollment for the course selection process can be done separately in the different admission modalities: FGV Entrance Exam, ENEM and International. 


Full Time

Monthly payment

BRL  6.836,00    
*refers to the value of 2024.1   

Candidate-to-vacancy ratio

4 (2023.1)


FGV EBAPE - Botafogo 
Rua Jorn. Orlando Dantas, 30
Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro/RJ

FGV EBAPE - Barra 
Avenida das Américas, 3434, Bloco I
Térreo e 2º andar - Rio de Janeiro/RJ


Unidade Botafogo

(21) 3083-2412 | (21) 3083-2413

Unidade Barra da Tijuca

(21) 3799-4838 | (21) 3799-2413



DATA: 14/11/2024

LOCAL: A divulgação do Cartão de Confirmação ocorrerá no dia 04 de novembro de 2024, conforme o item 1.6 do Edital Unificado 2025.1

Notices and errata

Why choose the General Administration course?

The first school to create a higher education course in General Administration in Brazil and Latin America, for 68 years FGV EBAPE has had the mission of forming leaders capable of influencing and making decisions in public and private organizations in the country and the world.

All undergraduate General Administration students have the opportunity to carry out an exchange program at the main business schools in the world associated with the school, such as Columbia University (USA), ESSEC Business School (France), Catholic University of Portugal, among others. 

At the same time, through exchange programs with partner schools, we receive students from different countries around the world, transforming EBAPE into an environment of constant cultural exchange.

The school's teaching staff is made up of Brazilian and foreign professors, nationally and internationally recognized in their areas of expertise

Masters and Doctors from the main universities in Brazil and the world, our faculty stands out, among other factors, for its academic activity and publications in the main specialized journals.

In addition to the undergraduate course, FGV EBAPE offers stricto sensu postgraduate courses in General Administration evaluated with the highest score at CAPES.

Fachada EBAPE
years of innovation and pioneering in teaching and research
employability rate in the job market
teachers have international training

International Programs


Developed in partnership with Mannheim Business School, University of South Carolina-Darla Moore School of Business and ESSEC Business School, students study a period at each of the schools involved in the program.

Double degree ESSEC – FGV EBAPE 

Upon successful completion of this program, the student will receive a Bachelor of General Administration diploma and the Diplôme de l’EPSCI (also called "Bachelor of Business Administration"), from ESSEC.


Double degree ESSEC – FGV EBAPE 

Upon successful completion of this program, the student will receive a Bachelor of General Administration diploma and the Diplôme de l’EPSCI (also called "Bachelor of Business Administration"), from ESSEC.



International Accreditations

  • The school is recognized as one of the best business schools in the world.
  • Since 2014, FGV EBAPE has received the EQUIS accreditation seal from the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD).
  • In 2018, the School received the AACSB seal (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business).
  • The Professional Master in Public Administration (MAP) has achieved international accreditation by ICAPA (International Commission on Accreditation of Public Administration Education).


“Best General Administration course in Brazil. The Undergraduate General Administration course at FGV EBAPE obtained the maximum score in the quality indicators released by the Ministry of Education in 2019. The course obtained a score of 5 in the National Student Performance Examination (ENADE) and Preliminary Course Concept (CPC) .”

Source: National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anisio Teixeira - INEP | 2019.


“Classified as one of the best Colleges in Brazil according to the General Index of Courses (IGC) released on December 12, 2019 by the Ministry of Education (MEC). The School is in the select group of higher education institutions that obtained the maximum score, that is, 5 (five) in the evaluation. In all of Brazil, only 2% of higher education institutions have the maximum concept.”

Source: National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira – INEP | 2019


Studying at EBAPE provides students with a wide range of opportunities at a renowned institution in Brazil and around the world.  

Aluna conversando e sorridentes na sala de aula



Multidisciplinary Training

FGV EBAPE students are trained to work in different segments, through theoretical and practical classes that provide knowledge of Public and Business Administration, thus expanding their possibilities of acting in the job market.

Globalized Course

FGV EBAPE offers students the possibility of undertaking a global program in which students from three major international business schools also participate: the University of Mannheim Business School (Germany), the University of South Carolina - Darla Moore School of Business (United States) and ESSEC Business School (France-Singapore). Entitled International Business Education Alliance (IBEA), the program forms a group of 40 international students who will stay together in each country mentioned above, for a period of six months.


FGV EBAPE seeks to provide its students with the opportunity to spend at least one semester at one of our partner schools. At the beginning of the program, students are prepared to participate in the exchange. English proficiency is essential for undergraduate students.

This requirement is explained by several reasons:

From the second year of the General Administration undergraduation, all the Marketing component classes are taught in English and, from the third year to the end of the course, all the components are taught in English.

The mandatory curricular component, the Multicultural Experience, in the third year of the program integrates international exchange as a central part of the course curriculum. All students are expected to study abroad at one of FGV EBAPE's international partners.

In the last year of the course, students are encouraged to start internships that favor the development of their international career in global organizations, since in the eighth term there are no disciplines offered, so this semester is completely dedicated to internships.

Thus, the undergraduate curriculum favors student mobility and international professional experience.

Undergraduate students have three special international programs to choose from for their global career development: the IBEA program, the double degree with ESSEC Business School and with ESCP Europe.

These programs enrich the student's education and reinforce its worldwide position of excellence in teaching and research in General Administration.

Organizational Experiences - Field Project

In 2015, EBAPE's General Administration graduation began the Field Project, a project whose main objective is to provide 3rd and 4th term students with their first professional experience within a public, private or non-governmental organization.

Over the years, the projects evolved and the Field Project ceased to be a complementary activity and became a mandatory curricular component of the course, now entitled Organizational Experiences.

The essence of the project continues, it is an activity aimed at 4th term students, providing their first experience in the organizational environment. Students are immersed for a given period in organizations, facing real challenges, engaged in the search for the resolution of management issues.

When studying Organizational Experience, the student will have the opportunity to apply the theoretical framework learned in different disciplines, articulating theory and practice, through confrontation with real situations, which will help him to develop a set of essential skills for his performance as an administrator.

Partnership and internships

The undergraduate student in Administration has access to a structured curriculum and specialized departments that provide real experiences in prominent organizations from the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.

Career guidance 
FGV's Internship and Career Development Center guides students and alumni towards the job market through partnerships and programs developed by the department.

International career without limits from the internship onwards 
FGV EBAPE students and alumni have at their disposal the Highered platform, which offers over 10,000 internship and job opportunities in more than 90 countries.

Rede Alumni

Desenvolvida para congregar interesses e valores dos egressos da FGV EBAPE, a Rede Alumni é uma iniciativa que oferece uma série de benefícios para os membros ativos, como acesso ao portal de oportunidades Globais Highered, desconto no site da Livraria FGV, dentre outros. Além disso, a Rede Alumni é o ambiente ideal para estimular o desenvolvimento, a troca e o networking na comunidade.

Programa de Mentoria

Oportunidade exclusiva que oferece mentoria de carreira gratuita para os alunos da Graduação em Administração, o Programa de Mentoria da FGV EBAPE coloca os estudantes em contato com profissionais de mercado que são egressos dos cursos de graduação, mestrado e doutorado da FGV EBAPE.

Os Alumni que participam como mentores são profissionais com experiência em diversas áreas, e que vão mentorar estudantes que têm interesse em conhecer as oportunidades de mercado, as organizações em que os mentores atuam, e sua trajetória de carreira.

Esses profissionais atuam em multinacionais, instituições do terceiro setor, governamentais e de pesquisa. Além disso, muitos desses mentores residem fora do Brasil e participam do Programa de Mentoria de forma remota, o que gera também uma oportunidade de networking internacional para os nossos alunos.

Os encontros proporcionam uma intensa troca de experiências, ampliando e fortalecendo as redes de relacionamento do estudante, oferecendo importantes insights sobre o mercado de trabalho e abrindo portas para valiosas oportunidades profissionais.

O Programa de Mentoria oferece, também, a oportunidade de as empresas conhecerem o nível de excelência dos alunos da graduação da FGV EBAPE, o que aumenta as oportunidades de mercado para nossos egressos.



We know that choosing a profession is probably one of the first big decisions of your life. That's why FGV wants to help you learn a little more about your future career.
Being an administrator will allow you, for example, to work in various professional sectors, both in the public and private sectors. 

Acts in the managerial areas necessary for employees to be motivated and do the best job possible, increasing the company's productivity.

  •     Training and Development 
  •     Remuneration
  •     Performance Evaluation 
  •     Personnel Administration 
  •     Recruitment and Selection 

Responsible for integrating all the company's production processes, from the purchase of basic inputs to the delivery of the final product.

  •     Information Technology 
  •     Processes 
  •     Sustainability
  •     Supply Chain

It analyzes trends and defines strategies for operating and positioning a company in the market.

  •     Market research
  •     Product Management
  •     Trade Marketing
  •    Sales
  •    Public Relations
  •     Communication
  •     Market Research

It represents an area of activity in which the professional becomes the owner of his own business, being responsible for managing all the company's activities, from the financial area to marketing.

It deals with the definition of the general lines of the company's performance, such as analysis of the competition and the specialization or diversification of its activities in the market.

It operates in all aspects involving the management of a company's resources, which can be converted into cash, real estate, inventory and machinery. In this way, it also encompasses the purchase and sale of shares, insurance and investments in other companies in the financial market.

  •    Corporate Finance
  •     Financial market 

Work with public policies is not restricted to government organizations, often turning to the generation of value for society, which can be translated by the provision of services in areas such as education, health, culture, sports, work, among others.

  •     Formulation
  •      Implementation
  •      Assessment

Acting in governmental and NGOs that work with issues of public interest, also having as a priority the good management of their internal procedures.

  •     Human Resources 
  •     Processes and Operations 
  •     Finance
  • Merit Scholarships:

FGV Entrance Exam: 1st to 5th place – 100%            

Enem: 1st to 5th place – 100%      

  • Refundable Scholarship - Financing: 

Social Demand: Available according to the socioeconomic situation of the applicant. The percentage to be granted varies from 0% (zero) to 100% (one hundred percent) of the tuition fee for the current school semester. 

  • Additional Scholarships:

Students with the best academic performance during the course receive full or partial gratuity of school fees.

For more details on the scholarships offered for each course, read the Announcement. 




Aluna da FGV EBAPE

Our classes were not affected; they have continued following the normal timetable, this is important as it gives us a sense of routine, which is very important in developing study discipline

Camila | 2nd year student

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Do you know the free FGV courses?

With them, you will be able to master even more the themes of the Entrance test questions.


The FGV Experience is a free meeting and allows students to get to know our courses and facilities.

Grupo de alunos sorridentes caminhando pelo campus da FGV.


Participate and get your questions answered about the courses, forms of admission, scholarships and exchange ideas with professors about the benefits of studying at FGV.

Lectures and Thematic Classes!

Choose one of the available options and have the experience of BEING AN FGV MEMBER!

FGV Day is a free meeting at which students can ask questions about our courses and university entrance exam, as well as talk to professors about the benefits of doing an undergraduate degree at FGV. The event is also open to parents, professors and companions who would like to find out more about FGV.



Are you interested in pursuing a degree in Administration?

Schedule your visit to the FGV EBAPE campus and discover all the advantages of studying at one of the best business schools in the world.

Located in a strategic location in the city of Rio de Janeiro, our institution offers a modern and inspiring infrastructure, as well as a renowned and experienced faculty, consisting of qualified Brazilian and foreign professors from the best schools around the globe.


Fachada escola

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